Basic steps on how to use a breast pump manually?
First and foremost, it is important to keep in mind that there is a letdown reflex that needs to be stimulated. This is what prevents the milk from flowing at all times except when your baby nurses.
Now when using a manual pump, you take the pump and place the flange or suction cup over the breast.
Then you start to manually pump by squeezing and releasing the handle.
As the milk starts to flow, you can then relax and continue till you see the milk flow slowing down.
Once done, tightly screw the lid onto the bottle and store in a cool place
You can find the detailed process with 5 steps below

But first –
Choosing the right breast pump
There are two kinds of breast pumps available in the market – manual pumps and electric pumps. With manual pumps like the one in the tutorial, you need to use your hands to work the machine as it pumps. These are however cheap and quite easy to use. With electric pumps, you just need to hold the flanges in place, while the machine stimulates the pumping action.
With the second, you will get a manual and that will give you the instructions on how it works. But with a manual pump, you may need a little extra help. And that is what we will be showing you today. Also remember that we discuss some tips here that can actually make it easier to start pumping – irrespective of whether you are using a manual or an electric pump.
Using a manual breast pump

- Step 1: First and foremost, it is important to keep in mind that there is a letdown reflex that needs to be stimulated. This is what prevents the milk from flowing at all times except when your baby nurses. There are a number of ways to do that. It can help to dab a warm soft flannel over your breast. Some mothers also find it easier if they are cuddling their baby or the baby is nursing at the other breast while they express milk from one. If you are doing it at work, thinking about your baby, smelling something that smells of him or looking at a photo of your baby, while you gently massage your breast can also help.

- Step 2: Now when using a manual pump, you take the pump and place the flange or suction cup over the breast. The sides of the tubular structure of the pump shouldn’t be touching your nipples. If they do, you need a different size.

- Step 3: Then you start to manually pump by squeezing and releasing the handle. Initially this will stimulate milk flow till the milk is finally expressed.

- Step 4: As the milk starts to flow, you can then relax and continue till you see the milk flow slowing down. Once that happens continue to pump for another 5 minutes or so – even after the milk has stopped. Repeat with the other breast.

- Step 5: Once done, tightly screw the lid onto the bottle and store in a cool place, the refrigerator or in the insulated compartment of your breast pump bag.
And as for the complete demonstration, we thought it would be easier to follow a video, so check out this great one from YouTube:
So there you go – now you know exactly how to use a breast pump. Which just means you can take that much needed break from your routine while your partner feeds the baby. And of course, you can always continue to breastfeed even when you go back to work!
Best of luck with your new baby!